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Performance Work

Having been classically trained in theatre and acting, and earning his B.F.A. from New World School of the Arts, He has received a very full and all encompassing education when it comes to the stage and art of performing. Rayner G. is versed in improvisation, dialects, mime, mask work, clown work, stage fighting (specializing in unarmed combat), movement techniques, breath work, directing, and has knowledge of technical theatre as well.

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On Acting

Having had the opportunity to take part in some pretty impactful theatre. Rayner G. is happy to acknowledge how lucky he's been to have played leads in off-broadway musicals, plays, and immersive theatre experiences.


"Performing is something that I thrive at. The exchange of energy leading to a connection. First with the cast, then with the audience. Access and vulnerability are always at the forefront of my technique and priorities, whenever bringing a character to life."

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